HomeCenter for Environment StudiesRenewable/Clean Energy
Renewable/Clean Energy

In collaboration with the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), the Global Business Institute is hosting a series of discussion roundtables on renewable energy issues. These discussions features intimate gathering of policy professionals, technical experts, and topical specialist and share ideas and views on issues concerning renewable energy policies, economics, and technologies. As significant focus of these workshops will be to uncover and reveal opportunities for international collaboration in new and renewable energy deployment, which will be a key means to combating global carbon emissions and climate change.


1 Raising Ambitions: developing the offshore wind industry 2021-04-29 602
2 The Role of Energy Storage in Grid Modernization: Updates and Developments 2020-10-19 644
3 Responding to the Crisis: The Recovery and a Clean Energy Economy 2020-08-08 572
4 Renewable energy in the post-pandemic world 2020-05-13 609
5 Electric Vehicles: The Future of Development and Deployment 2019-09-22 628
6 The Global Smart City Revolution 2019-04-12 663
7 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook 2018-09-21 662
8 ARPA-E Summit 2018-05-16 687
9 FERC Response to NOPR and Order on Grid Resilience in RTOs and ISOs 2018-02-22 855
10 Congressional Perspective on Clean Energy Innovation Policy: Nuclear, Renewables, and Other Clean Energy R&D 2017-06-20 837
11 Future of Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy in the US 2016-08-29 1025
12 Latin America and the Caribbean: Sustainable Energy Developments and its Integration into Clean Water, Transportation, Agriculture, and Security 2015-05-14 1018
13 Impact of Global Energy Markets on Korea 2015-04-24 1061
14 Energiewende Today: Status of Germany's Energy Transition 2014-11-18 954
15 Overview of Federal Renewable Electricity Deployment Incentives 2014-03-13 1212
16 Global Clean Energy: Shared Vision and Collaborative Opportunities 2013-08-05 1180
17 Renewable Energy Policies and Technologies: Collaborative Opportunities Between the United States and Korea 2013-05-15 960